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of implementing an environmental management system according to the UNE-EN ISO
14001:2015 standard and awaiting NEXT CERTIFICATION.

At Mediterranean Natural we work continuously to make our activity more sustainable,
minimizing our environmental footprint.

Our environmental objective is to meet new challenges focused on the well-being of people,
domestic animals and the planet.


Responsible sourcing

Since January 2022, a new management program
automates our production system,
helping responsible consumption

We only buy and consume the raw material we need,
responding to the automatic alerts of our program
(which controls the stock and notifies the supplier
of the need to place an order). In this way we do not
store much quantity and we avoid consuming energy
in its maintenance in our refrigerators.

Our automated production system allows complete
and instant traceability control. We work to ensure
that the supply process is responsible,
rigorously controlling the origin of our ingredients
and the environmental impact that their supply
may have generated.
We establish an exhaustive control of the
raw material received and the raw material stored,
the product in process and the finished product.

GMO free

Although transgenics are cultivated to improve yield and
achieve greater economic profitability, greater health benefits
when consuming them and better preservation of the environment,
recent studies have not been able to demonstrate any of
these aspects. For all of the above and due to the lack of knowledge
about the consequences that the cultivation of transgenics
can cause to health and the environment, at Mediterranean Natural
we decided not to include them in our formulations.

Thus, we only use rice and all our products are GMO free.

Improvement of the environmental
management of our packaging

We are committed to using 100% recyclable
or reusable packaging.

From 2021 we gradually incorporate 100% recyclable
doypack bags to our Tapas and Functional Snacks,
which will be extended to the rest of our product
families soon.

Forest conservation

At Mediterranean Natural we are committed to sustainable
forest management and the responsible use of resources.
For this reason, we have begun to use “FSC” certified
cardboard in the packaging of our products
(from FSC certified forests, recycled material and controlled wood).

In addition, all damaged pallets are collected by a

certified company that repairs, recycles and reuses them.
Thus, we help to take care of the forests and avoid deforestation.

In 2021, 95% of the cardboard we use is
FSC certified and we hope to reach 100% by 2023.


Circular economy

We optimize our packaging from the receipt
of the raw material from our suppliers, using
reusable plastic and recyclable cardboard bowls
(both suitable for food storage).

Throughout our production process, plastic
bowls are cleaned and disinfected for reuse.

Both the cardboard bowls and the non-compliant
product (which has not passed our quality control)
follow an exhaustive withdrawal and recycling plan
by authorized suppliers, minimizing the impact on
the natural environment.

In this way we reduce the environmental
impact by not releasing waste into nature.


Energy and thermal efficiency

Placas solares para la utiización de energía solar

We take advantage of natural light both in our
raw material reception area and in the loading
area for finished orders, as we have warehouses
specially designed to favor the entry of outside light.

We have 216 photovoltaic panels that allow

energy from the sun and reduce power consumption.

In the factory there is LED lighting and
thermal insulation that protects from cold and heat.
In addition, this helps us to keep our raw material in
excellent condition.

We use very little water in the preparation
of our products (cooking the raw material in its own juice)
and our cleaning and disinfection protocol establishes
the use of
distilled water from our refrigerators
from an internal circuit.

Thanks to the thermal insulation works, photovoltaic

panels, new electrical installation and use of distilled

water, we have minimized the consumption of water

and electricity, the highest priority for our company
(since we are in an area with little rain and a lot
of heat).


Reduction in gas emission

We use electric forklifts and pallet trucks.

We work with national suppliers and local
raw materials. In this way we minimize
emissions in transport.

We organize the route so that the trucks visit
our suppliers without doing extra kilometers
and always completing the cargo truck.

Thus, the transport always arrives complete
at our facilities having made the minimum
possible journey. We help prevent global

We continue to work every day to reduce our environmental footprint by changing our habits,
because a profound and sustainable change requires the transformation of our internal processes, whether in energy
consumption or in the transport of our products, or in waste management.